Well, we just got back on Sunday night from a wonderful week in NYC that was filled with friends, fun, and a little nostalgia...
New York holds a special place in our hearts since Kristin and I ran away there for a week only three months after we started dating. I'm sure our parents were thinking 'what the hell' when we did it, but it definitely was a huge turning point in our relationship and turned out to be the city in which we truly fell in love with each other. Thus it was only fitting that we ventured there for a few days of fun as well as the wedding of a couple of great friends.
This trip also marked a first for me...I didn't bring any of my camera gear with me. Instead, I brought a new point and shoot camera called a Canon G9 that I recently purchased and man, this thing ROCKS! I took some pretty cool pics with it. The best part is that you can throw the camera into full manual mode and control it like a real camera!
Anyway, Kristin held up great being 15 weeks at the time. She's a trooper and fought through a few bouts of exhaustion and powered through the trip. Her gusto allowed us to go to the International Center of Photography, the Statue of Liberty, the Public Library, dinner with her cousin, dinner with a photo friend of mine, a couple long walks, and of course...me photographing her the entire time. I don't know how the heck she puts up with me and my camera, but I do get great stuff with her as you'll see in the last photo below...
We'll have a more about baby Brown in the next post!
Hope all is well with you all!
Kristin and Baby Brown on the Newark Airport train at 1:30am on Thursday...This was shot maybe 45 minutes before we found out that our hotel near the airport didn't have a room for us because they 'were having problems with some of the rooms.' Just what we wanted to hear....

So, a couple days before we left for this trip, we saw a story about the smallest man in the world standing with the longest legged woman in the world...Well, when we got into the city on Thursday morning and checked in, who was in the lobby??? Yup, that's right! Ping Ping! The world's smallest man! He only came up to about my knee!!!

Kristin and Baby Brown reading about the wonderful trillion dollar bailout in the NY Times in the lobby of the hotel. If I had a trillion dollars.....

Baby Brown, Kristin and I in Grand Central Station. I love seeing this train station every time I go to the city. I feel like I've stepped back in time when I am there.

Baby Brown, Kristin, Alyssa, Abrams, Dan, Brew and Barkin...It still amazes that I've known the guys in this pic for almost 30 years now.

That is one fine bow tie! Thanks to K for learning how to tie it. Lord only knows I couldn't do it myself.

K and Baby Brown for their 15 week portrait. We shot this on our way home from dinner at Thalia, one of our favorite restaurants in Manhattan...

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