We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting a little one in March 2009!!! Of course Trev is planning on documenting my pregnancy every step of the way so we will keep you updated often. Here is a pic of our first ultrasound at 8 weeks. It is hard to tell what it is, but if you look at it like a gummy bear you can kind of see the little guy. I have felt great throughout the first trimester (thankfully!), and hopefully the rest of the pregnancy will go just as smoothly. By the way I am using he/his/little guy but there is not reason behind that; I just always seem to call it a boy for some reason. We are not finding out the sex until the end so we have a long way to go!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Baby Brown
Posted by Kristin and Trevor at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Jack Brown
As some of you know, Trev's dog Jack passed away on August 25th. He was an incredible dog and was loved by many. He will be missed by all of us. Trev took some great shots of Jack over the years that really show his great personality. The second picture was published in America 24/7 featuring dogs all over the country.
Posted by Kristin and Trevor at 7:46 PM 0 comments
The Police Car
Here are some pics of Carson playing in front of his house. Included is his favorite toy - the police car. He would sit in it for hours if you let him! We will miss him (and Jason and Keri!) dearly when he moves to California :(
Posted by Kristin and Trevor at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
July Camping Trip
We didn't know at the time but this turned out to be our last camping trip of the season - bummer! We went up to Twin Lakes (outside of Leadville) with Brady and Dana. The weather was great, and we enjoyed some classic sloppy joes around the fire on our second night. Dana was a trooper being pregnant with twins and sleeping on the tent floor!
Posted by Kristin and Trevor at 11:41 AM 0 comments